We recently enjoyed a stunning winter's hike at Powell Butte in SE Portland. The views of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens were awesome, as you can see in the first two images, the heart-pumping walk up the hill through the beautiful meadows and forests were just what we were hoping for, too.
We opted to walk all the way up the butte from Powell Blvd. to add to the workout, but there is also parking right next to the expansive 120-acre park. Keep in mind that this is a popular destination on sunny days, so you may want to try to arrive early to be more likely to find a parking space. Biking to the park and on the trails is also encouraged, and the park is on the 40-Mile Loop that connects green spaces around the city.
The colors are a little more muted this time of year, so I also added an image of a spring morning stroll shared by K.Kendall so you can also see what it looks during that lovely time of year.
We enjoyed the brand new solar-powered Nature Center that contained interesting interpretive panels about the nature in the park and Powell Butte's importance as a water hub for the City of Portland (one of the panels is shown in the last image). There are nice warm bathrooms there, too.
Click here to learn more about the Powell Butte Summit Loop Hike that we enjoyed so much.
Click here for more from the Friends of Powell Butte Nature Park.
Checkout what it's like to mountain bike through the lovely forest there: