A Journey Through the Owyhee Canyonlands

Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands is one of the largest conservation opportunities in the country. Join Oregon Natural Desert Association Board Members, Elisa Cheng and Natasha Bellis, at a 2024 High Desert Speaker Series event as they reflect on their spring rafting trip down the Owyhee River on an exploration of this incomparable region. They’ll discuss the Owyhee’s awe-inspiring natural landscapes, rich culture and history, key wildlife habitats and many recreation opportunities. Karly Foster, ONDA’s Campaign Manager, will share conservation advocacy initiatives you can support to counter threats to the region and ensure that the Owyhee is protected.Learn more and register here: https://onda.org/event/a-journey-through-the-owyhee-canyonlands/ This is an online, free event. We will email you the Zoom link prior to the event.  

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Greater Portland
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